Dental Therapy @ Love Teeth Kids

As a GDC registered Dental Therapist, Sophie is qualified to carry out much of the routine dental work you would expect from a dentist.

Dental Therapists are dental professionals with a distinct focus on preventive and restorative oral health care. Sophie has a wealth of knowledge and enjoys creating a positive dental experience for children and families. Prevention is key and Sophie will support you with proper oral hygiene practices through communication and demonstration, offering valuable insights on how to best care for your teeth and gums, which will set your child up for life!

You can find Sophie at Love Teeth Kids clinic offering a variety of treatments including:

New Patient Consultations

Dental examinations including oral cancer screening and referrals to specialists.

Preventative treatments

Such as fluoride varnishes and fissure sealants.

White Fillings

Permanent and temporary fillings.

Desensitizing appointments

For nervous patients who need time to become familiar with the dental environment and get to know me, the practice setting and equipment etc.

Children’s Crowns

Place pre-formed metal crowns on baby teeth.

Pain free injections

Administering local anaesthetic during more invasive treatments.

Options for sedation can be discussed if required which can be facilitated at the practice.

Baby teeth extractions

Extraction of baby teeth using local anesthetic​ and/or inhalation sedation.


For sports guards.

Brush School

During this appointment, plaque bacteria is dyed purple/pink and oral hygiene demonstrations are given.

Taking Radiographs

Commonly known as dental x-rays.

Children’s Clean

Healthy teeth and gums start from a young age. With a fun, gentle and teachable approach to cleaning, your little ones will look forward to coming each and every time.